Practical, family-oriented courses that are fun and informative and come with tons of learning enhancements:
The way people feel about their jobs or careers, and therefore how they apply themselves to their work, is usually influenced by three things:
You may be like some who fail to use their full potential because they don't know how to apply these three employment factors where they currently work. The methods in this course will help you to advance—to take yourself upward and forward in your career.
Build Trust and Become Indispensable
You will learn how to use a form of personal mastery to build trust with others and to acquire knowledge about the needs of your job so you can become indispensable to others.
Decide Where You Want to Go and What You Want to Do
You will learn how to create a sense of vision for yourself and your career that will provide direction and improve your motivation to become a high-performing individual.
Create a Strategy for High Performance
You will learn that a vision without a strategy is merely a wish. By taking the time to plan a strategy, you will give greater focus for your effort and be less distracted by less important and valuable activities.
Form a Network of Allies
You will learn the importance of creating a network of individuals within and outside of your organization whom you can help and will help you. Energizing these alliances is a necessary step in achieving your own success.
Change and Grow
You will learn that developing a practice of continual learning and improvement makes you adaptive to change and prepares you to take advantage of the window of opportunity.
Measure Progress Instead of Failures
You will learn the difference between the results you produce and the progress you achieve. Giving focus to progress instead of paying attention to your failures increases your abilities to do what leads to greater success.
Make Yourself into a Good Leader
You will learn that you don’t need to hold a leadership position in order to exercise leadership. The forms of leadership you will learn are among the most valued work-related skills anyone can learn and demonstrate.