Professional Coaches

Certified independent coaches provide ongoing support as you use the First Answers approach. 

While having a coach improves your experience and results, there is no obligation to participate with coaching while studying the online courses. 

Coaches maintain collaborative relationships with licensed experts so you have access to the most effective methods.

Scheduling an Appointment With a Coach

  1. Click on the name of a coach to learn more about this person.
  2. When you find a coach you like, schedule an appointment with this coach by clicking on the MAKE RESERVATION button in their profile, and follow the onscreen instructions.

Note: First Answers provides an online coach certification course to prepare and train emotional self-reliance coaches to ensure they are effective. Coaches are not employed by nor partnered with is a listing portal that advertises independent coaches. Coaches choose to list themselves and their services on Coaches select the categories in which they wish to provide services and pay any associated listing fees. Coaches' qualifications may differ based on their education and experience. It is up to you to select the coach who best meets your needs.

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