Divorce / Separation

Single Parent Tips to Solve Problems and Reduce Stress

Single Parent Tips to Solve Problems and Reduce Stress
  Single parents need to be applauded for what they do, especially mothers. Recent research shows that more than 40% of boys are growing up without their fathers, and that 82% of single parents .... read more

Posted in Age 0–5, Age 6–11, Divorce / Separation, Parenting, Single Parent

What To Do When Your Child "Talks Back"

What To Do When Your Child "Talks Back"
Bath time was never a happy experience for six-year-old Alex. His mother would patiently persist in explaining to him that he had to be clean to be healthy, and that there would be bubbles, toys, and.... read more

Posted in Common Teenage Problems, Divorce / Separation, Parenting

Telling Your Child about a Separation and Divorce

Telling Your Child about a Separation and Divorce
Research has shown that serious open parental conflict within the home causes harm, probably more harm than a divorce if the conflict goes on and on. So, a loving single-parent home is probably bette.... read more

Posted in Common Marriage Problems, Divorce / Separation, Parenting